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Pia J. Stengard


Pia J. Stengard


If my studio isn't open, you are more than welcome to order through my webbshop.


Here you will find all my jewelry - big and small.



All my collections are built around different values ​​such as balance, harmony, joy, reverence, gratitude and peace.


How do I work to get there?



My jewelry is very personal and many times something you might want to choose yourself.

Make someone happy - give them a gift card for jewelery or why not - a course.



In my workshop I have both evening courses, weekend courses and weekly courses in silversmithing, ceramics and soft crafts.


Book your place today!


In my art jewelry, I want to trigger the viewer's imagination, but also give the wearer a sense of a deeper meaning. I want to take you on a journey - an inner journey that speaks of the beauty of our world and humanity.


For me there are specific words (emotions) that have a deep meaning and they are always present in my mind. In my art jewelry, I evoke the emotions I experience with a short text or some kind of prose text for each of my collections.

Kollektion Reverence - halsband

Gift card

My jewelry is very personal and many times something you might want to choose yourself.


Make someone happy - give them a gift card for jewelery or why not - a course.

– Albert Einstein

Courses & Workshops

Fostering one's creativity is, according to much of the research in the field, one of the main things you can do to feel better on all levels; everything from your health to being able to see both personal and everyday problems in a new light.


In my workshop I hold both evening courses, weekend courses and weekly courses in both silversmithing, ceramics and soft crafts. As a teacher, I attach great importance to giving you the opportunity to develop your creativity - one of the most important things we can give ourselves to feel better.

Kurser & Workshops
Bild på Skönbergagatan 8

Studio & Workshop

You can find my little studio and shop in Söderköping - a beautiful small town on the east coast of Sweden, just east of Norrköping.


Here you will find all my art jewelry and other craft made by me and my students.


All my art jewelry can also be ordered online in my shop on this page.

– Pia J. Stengard

Bild på en grusväg i höstdimman

The unexpected

When life guided me down a completely unforeseen path, I had no choice but to follow.


To design silver jewelry where the unexpected - the unforeseen gets to play the main role, is an incredibly exciting process. Not knowing what the finished jewelry will look like in advance leaves all doors open to what my imagination and intuition want to convey.

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